PRACTICUM SUPERVISION AGREEMENT "*" indicates required fields The Supervision Agreement is to be completed by the on-site supervisor or mentor of the intern. See INTERN SUPERVISION INFORMATION AND TERMINOLOGY, below, for more information. Name of MECR Intern* First Last Level*Infant/ToddlerEarly ChildhoodElementaryAdministratorName of School*INTERN SUPERVISION INFORMATION AND TERMINOLOGYA MECR intern must have an on-site supervisor for the practicum year. The supervisor will either be a qualified lead teacher in the same classroom as the intern OR another qualified individual at the school. The following AMS terminology classifies the internship. An internship is Supervised if the lead teacher is in at least the second year of teaching after receiving a full Montessori credential at the level being taught, awarded by AMS, AMI, or other MACTE accredited teacher education program. The Supervisor is in the room full-time with the intern. The Supervisor must be approved by the MECR Practicum Coordinator. The intern commonly acts as an assistant, but in rare circumstances, may act as a co-lead. The lead functions as the intern’s site supervisor for MECR. Note: Supervisors in a Supervised Internship must provide a copy of a current resume and Montessori Credential with this Agreement. An internship is Self-Directed if the intern is the lead in the classroom or if the lead does not meet the above requirements. The intern’s site supervisor for MECR may be a mentor-teacher at the same level, level coordinator, or school administrator, as designated by the Head of School and approved by the MECR Practicum Coordinator. Note: Supervisors of Self-Directed interns are not required to have a Montessori Credential. Agreements for Self-Directed Internships must be accompanied by a completed Self-Directed Waiver.Internship Model* Self-Directed Supervised Name of Supervisor* First Last Title of SupervisorTelephoneSupervisor Email* For Supervised Internships: Supervisor's Montessori Credential Organization (e.g. AMS)For Supervised Internships: Credentialing Program Name (e.g. MECR)Level(s) of Credential heldPlease select all that applyInfant & ToddlerEarly ChildhoodElementary IElementary I-IIYearSUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES SATISFYING AMS STANDARDSPlease affirm that you, as the Site Supervisor, are prepared to fulfill each of these responsibilities. Please comment in the box, below, on any that cannot be fulfilled. MentoringPreparation of indoor and outdoor environments Instruction: delivering Montessori lessons and designing activities for individuals and groups Observation and Recording: observing, responding/planning, assessing, record-keeping Interaction: relations among parents, staff and children Management: individual and group strategies Parent/Community involvement: family support and community services; parent education, interviews, conferences and meetings; open house Staff involvement: meetings, establishing team compatibility, problem-solving techniquesThe Supervisor provides experiences relating to the above MENTORING requirements.* Yes No Please explain*Meeting In a Supervised Practicum, Supervisor and Intern schedule regular weekly meetings of 1 to 2 hours outside of class time, expressly focused on the intern’s development in the above areas and on ways in which the intern can better serve the children. In a Self-Directed Practicum, the Supervisor schedules regular monthly observations with debrief following, expressly focused on the intern’s development in the above areas and on ways in which the intern can better serve the children.The Supervisor meets regularly with the intern based on the above MEETING requirements.* Yes No Please explain.*Cooperating with MECR Intern Assignments required observation visits to other schools required in-class observations of one or more children implementation of a Year-Long Project (Elementary only) attendance at seminars which may fall on school days and may require travel days. Field Consultant visits (minimum 3) during which intern must demonstrate specific skills. The Field Consultant will need time for separate meetings of at least half an hour each with the intern and the Supervisor, so a private meeting room and supervision of the children should be pre- arranged.The Supervisor makes available the time for the above COOPERATING requirements.* Yes No Please explain*Evaluating: the Supervisor completes MECR’s Mid-Year and Final Evaluation forms.* Yes No Please explain.*Communicating: the Supervisor agrees to notify the MECR Practicum Coordinator in a timely way of any difficulties in the professional performance of the student.* Yes No Please explain.*Maintaining Appropriate Classroom Presence: the Supervisor is present and responsible for the class during the practicum hours. In case of the illness of the Supervisor the school engages a qualified substitute. No more than 2 interns per classroom per class session will be permitted.* Yes No Please explain.*ADDENDUM FOR SELF-DIRECTED INTERNSHIPS: WAIVER APPLICATION Montessori Education Center of the Rockies Certification Course consists of a summer academic phase and a nine-month practicum phase. The intent of the practicum is for the student to combine study and practice with daily classroom experience under the direct daily supervision of an experienced Montessori teacher. The practicum phase also includes extensive homework and preparation for assessments. Because of the shortage of qualified Montessori teachers, especially at the Infant/Toddler and Elementary levels, schools may find it necessary to hire an intern to be the lead teacher, responsible for a group of children during the practicum. A Self-Directed Practicum presents special challenges, and should not be entered into lightly. A waiver may be granted to permit a MECR intern to undertake a Self-Directed Practicum if the school administrator can show sufficient special support and consideration for the intern. Please review the following Best Practices and indicate all that will be in place for the duration of the practicum. Please comment in the box provided on any that cannot be guaranteed. We appreciate your efforts to ensure a positive learning experience for the intern. Classroom Equipment - Best Practices: a full set of Montessori materials and appropriate furniture for the age range will be in the classroom* Yes No Please explain.*Assistants - Best Practices: experienced or trained assistant(s) will be assigned to work full-time with the intern.* Yes No Please explain.*Assistants - Best Practices: administrators will make every effort to allow assistant(s) to remain with the intern for the entire practicum. Assistant(s) leaving before the end of the practicum will be replaced and appropriately trained* Yes No Please explain.*Assistants - Best Practices: if necessary, the administrator will assist the intern in training of the assistant(s).* Yes No Please explain.*Scheduling - Best Practices: the class schedule will include a minimum two-hour Montessori work period each morning.* Yes No Please explain.*Scheduling - Best Practices: the student and assistant(s) will have private, uninterrupted weekly meetings of 1 to 2 hours.* Yes No Please explain.*Classroom Demographics - Best Practices: the full age range of children will be represented in the class.* Yes No Please explain.*Scheduling - Best Practices: the administration will make every effort to avoid transferring children into or out of the class during the year, except in the initial first weeks of phase-in, or for infant/toddler transitions.* Yes No Please explain.*Extra Responsibilities - Best Practices: interns who are lead teachers are expected to attend parent nights, special school events, to conduct parent conferences and prepare reports. Given the amount of coursework required, the intern will not be responsible for extra duties or to serve on committees.* Yes No Please explain.*Administrative Support - Best Practices: the administrator will arrange for a substitute teacher when the student is ill, or making required observations at other sites, or attending required MECR seminars.* Yes No Please explain.*Administrative Support - Best Practices: the administrator will notify MECR immediately in the event of any unforeseen changes.* Yes No Please explain.*By submitting this completed document I certify that all provided information is true and that I support the MECR requirements for the intern. I understand that the MECR intern has given consent to MECR personnel to discuss my progress in the academic and practicum phases of the MECR course with my site supervisor. I confirm that the Supervisor of Record at practicum site completed this form and that the Head of School is aware of all information presented herein. Note: a confirmatory e-mail containing a copy of this agreement will be sent to the Intern, the Supervisor of Record and the Head of School.Please add MECR, Montessori Education Center of the Rockies, and to your email safe sender list to ensure you receive all communications. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see a confirmation email. Need help? Click here for instructions on adding senders to your safe list.